irregular boosting problem

dimanche 30 juillet 2017

So my wife's 04 passat tdi, which I converted from automatic to manual about a year ago, started throwing a p0299 code and putting the car into limp mode. this was accompanied with almost zero low end boost. The vnt actuator seemed a little sticky so i pulled the turbo and cleaned it thoroughly, I also re-adjusted it from moving at 5 in hg and topping out at 18 to moving around 4 inches and topping out around 17. This did absolutely nothing. so I unplugged the MAF sensor and drove it. it drove noticably better after the unplugging so I changed the MAF which seemed to help quite a bit but did not fix the problem. So following this I determined the n75 valve was the source of the problem and R^2 that too. now swapping out the valve dramatically improved the performance and after I first drove it I thought it was performing substantially better than before the problem. However the p0299 is back now and while it is boosting well now there is significant turbo lag. also after the transmission conversion I never changed the soft coding from auto to manual, so i decided to do that since i was already plugged in, but when I change 0150034 to 0150031 on the engine soft coding it just says "error 31 coding out of range" if anybody has any advice for me it would be very much appreciated.

irregular boosting problem

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