what is a good cheap obd-II dongle to use to monitor engine functions in real time?

mercredi 28 juin 2017

I have a question about good cheap wireless obd-II dongles,......these things have gone from just a few years ago going for ~$100.... to today when there are so many out there today for just a few $'s,...

Based on others experiences with these cheaply offered today wireless readers that work with apps like the torque app....which one do people suggest for allowing to monitor engine functions in real time with an Android phone.???

I want one that will read & reset my codes on my 1Z Passat & ALH Jetta at the very least, but can also read the codes & real time engine stats on Toyota's & similar up to ~09 or so....or even maybe up to the current offerings...I also want one that will go dormant after the engine is shut down not draining my car's battery...

And does anyone know if any of these cheap bluetooth dongle models offered on eBay can pair to a Garmin designed to work with the no longer available eco-route HD ??

And on wireless connections to a phone for real time monitoring of engine stats/temp-boost....ect..., which connection is the best to use.....bluetooth or wi-fi connection protocol scanners???

what is a good cheap obd-II dongle to use to monitor engine functions in real time?

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