Hot egt temps

jeudi 28 août 2014

The egt are running really hot for some reason . The truck has 62mm phat shaft on it and 370 marine injectors motor has marine bowls in it timing is at 18 degrees has 215 pump 181 DV truck has aftermarket intercooler in it. Truck is auto. Cruising with 29ft camper and running 65-70 it's running 1000-1100 degrees in overdrive. Truck has 3.55 gears. 4 inch to 5inch exhaust. I have checked for boost leaks, low fuel psi it's 25 at idle and 45 at wot . Thought maybe when I put motor together maybe I got it one tooth out on cam pulled cover off and checked dead on cam key is still in there too need help and ideas thanks. :nail:

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